Since 1773 we build weighing systems that last over time
Cogo Bilance was born from the factory located in Venice, where only a small foundry and a mechanical workshop operated. An important milestone has been reached with the current factories in Camponogara and Oggiona Santo Stefano, where electronic hardware and software laboratories and a metrology laboratory are active.
The merging of the experiences and know-how of the companies acquired over the years has allowed us to be a leader in the design of industrial weighing systems and systems and in the production of precision electronic scales.
We perform calibrations aimed at obtaining/maintaining quality certification.
The company is structured with assistance centers located everywhere and weighing systems in the world, to provide a technical assistance service capable of managing all requests for intervention by all customers. The constant product research, the commitment and passion of our men, and the trust placed in us by customers and suppliers, make our reality grow day by day.